Team Descriptions
Commit to biblical discipleship and corporate prayer—following Jesus as one of his disciples, and making disciples of others.
Oversee the spiritual health and direction of the church according to the Spirit’s leading through the Word, fasting prayer and discipline.
Oversee the six ministry teams that fulfill our mission—worship, education, fellowship, outreach, building and finance.
Oversee the worship service and weekly ministries of the church.
Assist the deacons in caring for the physical needs of our congregation.
Commit to biblical discipleship and corporate prayer —following Jesus as one of his disciples, and making disciples of others.
Provide general leadership of ministry teams and the congregation by serving on the Council.
Oversee benevolent needs.
Oversee the designated offerings for needs in our community and beyond.
Assist the elders in caring for the spiritual needs of our congregation.
Overseeing sanctuary décor, e.g. chair pocket and rack cleanup/info, banners, candles, floral displays (including tracking inventory and restocking contact cards, brochures and offering envelopes).
Assist with the physical logistics of baptisms—preparing the water and helping the participant before and after the baptism as needed.
Church Treasurer
Handle monies, pay bills and keep the financial records
Pay the Pastor’s salary by the 15th of the month.
Provide monthly statements for council members before meetings.
Pay budgeted ministry shares by the 15th of the last month in each quarter.
Provide Clerk with addresses and amounts of special contributions.
File the financial records for safe keeping.
Meet with the Council once a quarter or as needed.
Provide a monthly financial summary to be posted in the bulletin.
Count offerings with an assistant.
File Forms 1099 MISC and 1096 with IRS for paid staff and a W2 for Pastor before January 31.
Serve on the Financial Advisory Ministry Team.
See that the stipulations of the Church Order are followed.
Be certain that any motion considered by either the Council or the Congregation is clear, understandable or that the body knows its precise meaning.
Prepare the agenda for Council meetings.
Prepare, with the Council, the agenda for Congregational meetings.
Preside at meetings of Council.
Preside at Congregational meetings.
Sign any necessary legal and/or contractual agreements on behalf of the Church.
The Vice-President is to fill the role and undertake the responsibilities of the President or Clerk when they are unable to do so.
Take official minutes at each meeting of Council and Congregation.
Oversee quality and accuracy of official correspondence of the Church.
Maintain the record book of policies and procedures and see that new personnel are given the appropriate material.
Maintain the church membership records [see Articles 66, 68 of the Church Order].
Give the Home Mission Board secretary addresses of families moving where no CRC is located.
See to the proper filing and safekeeping of church records.
Report yearbook statistics as of August 31 and due to the office of the denominational Executive Secretary by October 15.
Assure corporation status papers are filed by April 15th of each year.
In January sign the tax exemption application on church and parsonage at the Assessor’s office.
Send thank you letters for special contributions from persons and churches not in attendance [appreciation for other special gifts should be put in the bulletin].
Each team shall have a chairperson appointed by the Council.
Each team shall determine a meeting schedule preferably monthly [but at least once a quarter].
Meetings shall be announced in the bulletin and placed on the monthly calendar.
The chairperson may call special team meetings.
Fellowship Team and Building and Grounds Team shall prepare a written quarterly report for Council. All other teams shall keep regular minutes of their meetings and submit them to the next scheduled meeting of Council. They should be distributed to each member of the team and Council.
Decisions that might be controversial or involve major changes must be submitted to the Council for approval before implementation.
Before the October meeting of Council, teams should evaluate their goals and activities before the next fiscal year and prepare a budget; they must present this budget to Council by Sept. 1st.
Team terms are one year, beginning in June. Membership on a team may come about through the willingness to serve, (or serve another term) or the solicitation of volunteers by the chairperson or Council.
The pastor may attend team meetings and serve as adviser to each team.
Teams, in fulfilling their jobs and responsibilities shall make every attempt to draw on the gifts and time of others in the church and community.
Teams shall be free to operate within their approved annual budget; permission to exceed the budget must be obtained from Council before additional expenditures are made.
Each team shall review its mission and responsibilities twice a year. Suggested changes must be brought to the Council as recommendations.
The abuse policy shall be reviewed annually by each team and implemented as appropriate for that team.
Each team shall review the church’s mission statement, core values and their own vision statement twice a year. They shall discuss how that team’s efforts and activities are helping to implement the church’s mission.
Create and propose a team budget to the Council by their September meeting.
Purpose: To pray, plan and work for action that cares for the Church properties in such a way that an attractive image in the community is maintained and the other ministries of the Church are properly equipped and maintained.
This team shall be responsible for the maintenance, security and repair of all Church buildings, grounds, furnishings, facilities, equipment and signs. This includes:
Maintaining indoor and outdoor lights and time clocks
Arranging for semi-annual church and grounds cleaning
Arranging for cleaning or replacing furnace filters and oiling the blower motors
Arranging for preparing, planting and watering flower beds and shrubs
Arranging for snow removal from parking lot and sidewalks.
The entire team shall examine the Church periodically, Church grounds and other property owned by the Church as to the need for repair, replacement of new facilities and report the same with recommendations to Council.
They shall supervise the work of the custodian, receiving suggestions from and making recommendations to this person[s].
They shall receive all requests for outside use of any church facility and obtain concurrence from Council.
They shall maintain an inventory of Church keys.
They shall make an annual appraisal prior to renewal date of insurance policies and report suggestions or changes to Council.
The team is responsible for the purchase of cleaning and maintenance supplies (including bathrooms).
*See General Policies for all Ministry Teams
Purpose: to pray, plan (including budget), and work out activities that nurture both children and adults in the knowledge of God and His ways so that they will profess Christ as Savior and Lord and be His witnesses, and to continually look for opportunities to impact the Church and community through Bible study, fellowship and wholesome activities.
Sunday school —
Recruiting teachers.
Supervising the purchase of study materials and supplies
Approving class divisions.
Bible Clubs and youth groups –
Organizing, including recruitment of staff
Planning periodic activity nights
Children –
Coordinating staffing and supplies for the nursery.
Assessing possibility of VBS for our church, or in conjunction with other churches.
Planning substitute summer activities for children if VBS is not held.
Overseeing the nursery attendant [yearly contract, supervision]
Adults –
Securing leaders and teachers for the adult Sunday school class
Overseeing mid-week small groups [leaders and study materials].
Planning and implementing church retreats for adults and/or families.
Working with the Outreach Team to set up a small group for people with special needs [e.g. cancer, depression, fibromyalgia, etc.] as needed
*See General Policies for all Ministry Teams
Purpose: To pray, plan and work towards drawing all those who attend Hope Community Church into a genuine family relationship with each other and God.
Planning periodic activities to promote fellowship [e.g. potlucks, game nights, holiday functions, colors picnics – place and food].
Being responsible for purchasing kitchen supplies and for preparing coffee and snacks on Sunday mornings.
Arranging for special observances in the church family of such things as confession of faith, membership, death, illness, graduation, leave taking, etc.
Supervising the use of cupboards and appliances in the kitchen.
*See General Policies for all Ministry Teams
Purpose: To advise the Council on matters pertaining to the annual church budget, and assist the Council with financial decisions throughout the year on an “as needed” basis.
Recommend investment policies;
Study and recommend debt reduction policies;
Develop long-range plans for developing the Church’s facilities financial health.
The Finance Team meets as needed.
*See General Policies for Teams
Purpose: to pray, plan and work for attitudes and activities that enable the Church to fulfill the Great Commission and to go and make followers of Jesus Christ [Matthew 28:19] and to be effective witnesses for Jesus [Acts 1:8], making use of all appropriate means [1 Corinthians 9:19-23].
Investigate and select materials to be used for equipping the people of the Church to witness effectively, and then begin an ongoing program of training and equipping.
Work with the Worship Planning Team to develop quarterly worship services focused on missions and the support of missions.
Regularly make available information about mission involved locally, nationally and globally.
Encouraging all the activities and groups of the Church to be open to, welcoming of and willing to enfold those who are new to the Gospel and the Church and those who are without a Church home.
Preparing and keeping available a brochure that gives appropriate information about the Church and the Gospel for visitors and people in the community.
Working with the deacons on ‘deed’ ministries that provide help for people in need and that promote social justice. For example:
Providing suggestions for missionaries the Church can support and helping the Church family to be encouraging of, and supportive towards those missionaries we do support.
Missions (World Renew ministries in Bangladesh, and My Missionary Online)
Investigating and recommending to the Council ways in which we can best advertise in the community our presence and our mission.
*See General Policies for all Ministry teams
Purpose: to pray, plan, recruit and work for worship services that glorify God, inspire his people and develop deeper commitment to HCC’s mission.
Developing worship services, which include variety and participation.
Planning services related to special calendar and religious days (Advent, Christmas, Lent and Easter).
Working with the Outreach Ministry Team to develop quarterly worship services focused on missions and the support of missions.
Recruiting and coordinating worship leaders and special music (including additional instrumentation whenever possible.)
Maintaining worship instruments, and A/V system.
Scheduling greeters and candle-lighters.
Shall schedule those responsible for PowerPoint and sound system for each Sunday; shall oversee the training of new operators.
*See General Policies for all Ministry Teams