Team Ministry

Our Mission is implemented by our Teams

         Our Teams discover our Vision

                   Our Core Values guide how we work together

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Just as restaurants serve food, and hotels provide a place to sleep, the core mission of churches is to be disciples and to make disciples. The people of God are called to love God (and consequently their neighbors) with all of their hearts (Matt. 22:34-40). Yet, without the help of God’s Spirit and other believers, we fail on our own; we’re simply not made to go it alone. This is why God placed us together as His family, much like the many members that make up a person’s body (1 Corinthians 12). Churches can easily go “off mission.” This happens when our focus is distracted from basic discipleship and turned towards routine, pleasing personalities, buildings, money, the past, fear of the future etc. Jesus said:

Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age. (Matthew 28:19-20)

Churches “on mission” remain focused on this basic call of Christ. This requires utilizing their resources (people especially, finances, building etc.) to further God’s “Great Commission”. Following biblical principles and the Spirit’s leading, they grow their worship, fellowship, education, and outreach into the community much like the influence salt and light have on their environment. Churches are made to love God and further His kingdom by loving people. Yet in essence church is not a social club; it’s not a humanitarian group; it’s not a school; nor is it just a good cause started in the past that needs to be perpetuated somehow. Churches, though organized, are a living organism, the very presence of Christ throughout the earth! 

Since its inception Hope Community Church has been structured to be run by collaborative teams that are committed to its mission. In order for a team to be effective it has to have capable leaders who have been given the authority and resources to fulfill their responsibilities. Healthy teams have the potential of becoming more than task-oriented groups. Members on teams can become much more than “volunteers” seeking only friendship and opportunity to do good works. They can grow into their spiritual gifts and discover new purpose and fresh calling from God. In the process, they develop more than friendships; they develop true fellowship. This occurs when we are bound together with the shared goal of participating in God’s work. These teams creatively work alongside the other teams to carry out the church’s mission in Jesus’ name.

Collaborative teams require structure, training, and a lot of hard work! Jesus’ call to mission always does. So please pray and ask the Lord to guide you as you consider serving at Hope Community Church on one of these vital teams.

"If all were a single member, where would the body be? As it is, there are many parts, yet one body. –1 Corinthians 12:19-20
The secret is to gang up on the problem, rather than each other."

 –Thomas Stalkamp

Worship Team

Providing creative, inspiring worship services requires people who prayerfully coordinate the room, bulletin, audio/visual systems, music and message with the order and focus of the service. Please consider this if you are creative, like to do public readings etc., enjoy technology or like to organize.

Fellowship Team

Planning social activities that bring people together around their faith requires a team with creative, outgoing members. If you enjoy coordinating and serving at game nights, specialty trips, holiday celebrations, and meals, please consider serving on this team.

Education Team

If you believe there’s more to discipleship than children’s Sunday school, yet your heart pounds faster when you see a child learn and sing of God’s love then consider this team. A teachable spirit, reliable schedule, and commitment to change the lives of all ages describe these team members.

Outreach Team

Giving a cup of water in Jesus’ name is simple. Coordinating a group event that brings resources and the gospel to the needy requires much more preparation.   Ongoing ministry events and training that provide assistance and witness to the gospel call for a dedicated team of people. Join and make a difference!

Building Team

We can do church without a building—all we need is people. Yet we recognize buildings are effective tools in helping the church to carry out its mission. If you have specific talents or just want to lend a hand, please join the Building Team. Our bulletin and prayer sheet post ongoing projects and needs.

Financial Team

As Christians, we believe God, not money, “makes the world go round”. Good stewardship recognizes both the bill in the mail and the faithful heart of our Good Shepherd. If you can help people use their money wisely, and want to help our church use its resources effectively, this team needs your service.

Healthy churches are both attractional and missional in their approach to carrying out Jesus’ “Great Commission”. An active team ministry helps us to keep this balance.